Verbal Patterns In Hebrew

Every Hebrew verb (פועל) is formed by casting a three- or four-consonant root (שורש) into one of seven binyanim (בינינים, meaning buildings or constructions; the singular is binyan. Most roots can be cast into more than one binyan, meaning more than one verb can be formed from the typical root. When this is the case, the different verbs are usually related in meaning, typically differing in voice, valency, semantic intensity, aspect, or a combination of these features. The concept Read more [...]

Shalom Aleikhem

Shalom Aleikhem (שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם)! Shalom aleikhem is a traditional greeting in Hebrew-language. It means “Peace be upon you.”  The appropriate response should be “Aleikhem shalom” (עֲלֵיכֶם  שָׁלוֹם) or “Upon you be peace.”